Training tip – working towards straightness

So! First thing you have to do in a dressage test, is riding straight down the centreline, sometimes also halt and salute. You would think this should be easy? As its the first movement in a test, but boy is it difficult to do well!

Why? Well firstly, we don’t have any walls supporting us or the horse as it’s in the middle, secondly, getting everything lined where you want it you need to have 100% control of you and your horse every step of the way. Way harder than it sounds.

In my daily work, I ride most of the time inside the track, to practice this and to get that 100% control. In the beginning you might find it hard to do, after a while I found I’d rather stay away from the wall as easier to feel if some part of the horse moves. Also I find it really good for feeling if you get your horse forwards from both legs up into two hands.

Also important for the straightness is suppleness, much easier to ride a soft horse,than a horse that is tight or a little against your aids. Horses have to be sensitive to your legs both forwards but even more so laterally. I find it impossible to correct a horse that doesn’t understand the leg and know how to move the different parts of it’s body away from it. That is why legyield, shoulder in and travers are so important.

Once I feel like it’s ok, I progress and start making transitions within the pace, then between paces. Always keeping my line and me and my horse as straight as I possibly can.

When this feels secure, then I attack the centre line, as well prepared as I can to make as good a job as possible.

Sadly I don’t have a photo of anyone coming straight down the centre line.

Cones or poles, can also help as they’re visual and will create a clearer picture for your lines 😊 Both for you and your horse.

Remember to ride the downward transitions with your seat and core, forwards to your hand, you don’t want your hand to be pulling back and stop the horse from stepping under!

Let me know what you think!

Happy training

Take Care

Ancha XO

Emotional rollercoaster vlog

I said I would share the link

here it is. What do you think? Do you find yourself in similar situations? I’m interested in hearing about how you feel, think and work thorough your down, or tough periods.

Tomorrow I will share with you what we did today


Was loads of fun, and you really don’t want to miss it! Stay tuned!

Mobilephonequality, but she is still my bestest girl ❤

Take Care

Best Wishes

Ancha XO

Photoshoot time 😍

Wednesday Abi came over, I took some pictures of her and Bertie, then she also took some of me and Danza ❤ I will share some of them with you.

He is creeping out from the darkness

I am just a hobby photographer, I have so much to learn, and one day I’d love to be able to really understand how to work the camera to it’s fullest potential!

Doing black horse in black background proved to be hard, but hey, you learn and grow from your experiences.

Then Abi took some photos of me and Danza

Look at her little tounge 😂😍

I love her expression.

And her nose is the softest and most squishy one ever.

She always makes me laugh. It’s true what they say; “Give them your heart and in return, they give you everything you could ask for and more”

Take Care

Best Wishes

Ancha XO

The winner iiiiiis!👑

Yesterday I went live on Facebook and revealed the winner of my first GIVEAWAY! It was an Instagram account; vildeogguttaboys who won it. Big congratulations to her!👏

I was out in the yard til 7.15 pm so a very long day, but when you do what you love and have fun, that doesn’t matter.

Abi was here and we sorted out Bertie so he is all beautiful looking now and had a mini photoshoot 😍 once the pictures are edited I will share some with you.

I will now upload my Vlog to Facebook, sort out my last vlog on YouTube because it’s been some sort of technical issue there , so I then can upload the latest vlog to YouTube aswel.

Take Care

Best Wishes

Ancha XO

I only walk once

There we have it! I have been known to do this myself! Multiple saddles aswel! I hate going twice if I can get away with it, always been like it 😂

It has always frustrated my dad, a lot, poor man! I can pretend it has made me strong 💪🤔

I tried out the Booband today! You will be able to see it in my vlog tomorrow!

Rode my horse today, she behaved fairly well! Feels like we are progressing, just need to get out a bit now!

She looks very strange in this picture…. I have no words!

Anyway, going to edit my Vlog now.

Take Care

Best Wishes

Ancha XO

Tack cleaning & different products

This is one of the things I hate the most, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t getting done!

So I use, technically 5 different products depending on what tack it is and what I want it for.

Applies to all;

I first use hot water and a rough towel(sometimes I soak bits of bridles to get an even bigger clean) then I use a normal saddlesoap. Personally I like to make it lather, some don’t. Then I use a clean towel again to dry it off, before starting to apply different products.

So on my Micklem bridle which I don’t use atm, I used this:

It makes them nice and keeps them looking nice and tidy(prevents mold also).

I also use this product on the saddles on the seat and where it touches the numnah.

On this bridle

Which gets used a few times a day, I cleaned it first, then used this;

I did two saddles, one old one and one newer one.

Old one I used

Because the colour is starting to fade and this makes the black come through a bit more, I find. And again the Leatherfat.

On the other saddle I only used the leatherfat.

I apply all the different product’s with sponges, but would recommend to use a towel/cloth for the leather restorer.

We also have fairfax bridle and for that I use the tube which came with it, and the leatherfat.

Sometimes the bridles especially can get a bit greasy if you use to much leatherfat, then I just “wash it off with hot water”.

This is how I, barely, take care of the tack. Would be interested in hearing your opinions or clever idea’s too 🤗

Happy Cleaning

Ancha XO

Tied hair and no april fools

I have to say, I’m not a huge fan of this day, so much silly stuff going around which is just…. 😂 anyway, some people really do and some fools are better than others.

This though!!! Is excellent ! I’d love to have as long hair as Deb! Sadly I don’t.

I rode Bertie today

He was a good boy, we worked on the contact and reaction 😊

Deb rode my little princess and they did really well, so nice to see her development. Specially her mentality and the way she’s started to relax in herself(my horse obviously, not Deb)

I love my horse, she brings me so much joy! Some heartache sweat and tears aswel, but mostly she brings love ❤ I’m lucky to have her. And she’s just so beautiful!

Today’s been a vlogging day, so I will start edit that later so it’s ready to upload by tomorrow afternoon.

Hope you’ve had a great easter. We were out for dinner yesterday, it was lovely;

Was so nice.

Enjoy the rest of your evening.

Take Care

Best Wishes

Ancha XO

Spring cleaning at the yard! Inspiration is needed 😇

We are having a big clear out. As you know if you’ve followed my blog.

This is how it looks now:

Feed & “office” bit.

Storage, clothes and groomingkit

More storage, also some behind the bench.


Kitchen area

My little tidy box.

A place to have a sit down.

A place where we can clean tack and dry numnahs for time being.

And lastly this is my storage for numnahs, bandages and boots for the moment.

I quite like the bandages how they are. Works well. Need another way to have the numnahs. But it’s a start! Sadly have no before pictures, haha! Just to scary!

If you have any good idea’s please feel free to share!

Take Care

Best Wishes

Ancha XO

Lovely sunny Days with the boys and girls ❤

The weather here lately has been absolutely lovely!!

Sunny, blue sky, almost no wind and between 10 & 13 degrees 😍almost no jacket required 🤗

Doc and Ben, they’re like best friends! Aaaand mega huggy!!! Just look at them!

I like “my little boys” it’s nice to be around and spend time with horses who are happy and enjoying life, makes my day to day life much easier.

What isn’t making anything easier is the fact the clocks changed!! Aaaaaaaah!!! My brain can’t cope! It’s 00.40 now & here I am. Writing on my blog, I should be fast asleep by now,but naaaaah!!

Anyway, we’ve had a big clearout, I will take pictures and show you tomorrow! It’s so nice, but we were out til 9pm today, 7.30 am all way through til 9 pm is a long day. But I was just like to Heather, LET’S DO IT!!!! And we did 🤗🎉

Right. Need to sleep..

Take care

Best Wishes

Ancha XO

Cortari; My brightest shining star and biggest heartache

Before I have even started writing this blogpost, I am in tears. I can’t help it. Time is not going to make it any better. I will always miss this horse. She was my everything, my biggest dream.


This is the first picture I was sent of my dream girl.


So tiny, beautiful, sweet and lovely!
(Getting this far in this post has taken me about an hour and a lot of tears. However, her story deserves to be told.)
So here we go…


This is Cortari, my special girl, we were such a team.
I have never seen anything so spirited and beautiful. She was just so full of life.



She was bred to jump, by Cortus / Cortez, and her mother was from a famous dam line in Sweden. Her mother competed to a good level in show jumping. Cortari definitly looked the part!

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She was so aware of everything and she knew what she wanted. Temperamental, determined, cocky, confident, cheeky and playful; she was a livewire destined for great things.

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She had a soft side she would fall asleep in my arms. So trusting.


Then disaster struck.
Cortari was playing with her friends in the field when she was about 1 year old. It ws a lovely quiet summer day with nothing unusual but when she came in her fetlock was turned under and she could not fully extend it. So we went to the vet.
We lived in the north of Sweden and the vets don’t see so much. They insisted on xraying her knee even though I kept saying they must xray the fetlock and arguing so much for it. I wanted to be able to get anothers opinion from the vets down south if these guys could not help. They refused.


We left the vets with a filly who would not go anywhere near a trailer with no answers and only pain.


They adviced a special shoe and that we walked her on hard ground as much as we could. We followed this advice but it kept on getting worse. We wanted to take her to another vet clinic but she refused to go in the trailer. We tried everything we knew and nothing worked, we had no help from specialist as we were so far away. This was breaking my heart. Watching my filly who had so much life and joy feeling more and more pain was so hard. Painkillers made no difference, nor the special shoe adviced.


She just kept on getting worse. We kept trying to load her but would she know be strong enough to stand for 4 hours to the other vet. Was it already to late?
She still had spirit.
But I was losing hope.
Sadly I was right, though I did not know it at this point.

She used to fall asleep in my arms, she had always done it. She was so trusting but now it was like she couldn’t find peace. She couldn’t find a place without pain to relax.
A called a lady who did something called The Horstmann technique.
As the treatment finished, she did it one last time.
She fell asleep in my arms.




I of course didn’t know it would be the last time, but it was.

I had to move abroad to work, the plan was she was ment to come to me- she never came.


One of the top vet/farrier came to hold a clinic and we begged him to look at Cortari.
He was horrified and wanted to teach all his delegates what to do if they came across this injury. If it had been treated correctly with a shoe opposite to the one my vet had prescribed it is totally treatable with a 100% recovery rate.
Cortari now had 1% chance of recovery due to the incorrect treatment and it all being to slow to get sorted.
Normally this vet would not try to treat this at this point, but agreed to give it a go.


If you look at these pictures you can see the positioning of the fetlock, this is how bad it had become.

We tried hard but the treatment didn’t work. No matter how much I wished for her to be in the 1%. It was simply too late.
So I want to say this; Trust your gut instinct and fight for your horse!
Don’t trust anyone just because they are the supposed experts. Ask around. Get other opinions.
These vets killed my horse, I will never forgive them.
Or forget her – My angel.




I wasn’t home, when she left us, I don’t think i could’ve actually, it was to painful, to sad.

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This has been such a hard post to write, finding all pictures, putting this together, writing about her, brought her back to life for a moment.

I have enjoyed my time with her again, but now I need to stop.
I will always love her, she has a place in my heart that can never be taken.



My biggest love

Ancha XO