Thank you Trondheim

So last weekend – my Trondheim Clinic – was A M A Z I N G !! Like usual! I had the best of times and it was so nice to go out and do one of the things I love the most again!Things were a bit different to accommodate for everything that’s going on. A bit fewer lessons, more breakes in-between the lessons & I spent most of my teaching time sitting (normally I like standing and moving around) but! I did it – it went well & everyone attending did a great job 🥰A few of us went out for dinner on Friday evening which also was lovely.I met some new people and horses which is always exciting. And the variety of everyone i get to meet really makes everything more intriguing – I really need to be switched on and tuned in to every single one and restart in-between! I love it! I was reeeaaaally!!!!! BAD at taking photos this time. But got a few!I was so worried before I went up – was I gonna be able to do a good job?But though I got tired, as long as I managed to sit down once I started feeling bad – everything went well – which I was very relieved about.And I do have the best “clients” / riders & friends ever! They’re so supporting, welcoming & understanding! ❤️
Can’t wait for the next one & no more worries!Til next time!Take CareAncha XO

Author: Take The Reins Equestrian Training

Freelance instructor and rider working in the equine industry in Norway and the UK. with a dream of inspiring people along their journeys❤

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