5 reasons I like leg yields

Leg yields is the first sideways movement I teach any horse and I like to teach them it very early. Why? Well – I like to think of using my body and leg to turn rather than my hand and therefore I need the horse to have a basic understanding of moving away from my leg. So here are my top 5 reasons I like the leg yield

  1. They help straightness
  2. They help improve suppleness
  3. Helps us to move the horse’s ribcage.
  4. Helps improving the reaction of a sideways leg aid.
  5. Improves control of the turns and bend.

I can’t remember the last session I did on a horse where I didn’t do some form of leg yield. I just simply love it. It is easy, nice but oh so helpful. And I love how you can do them just about anywhere!(another post will come regarding that).

Horse is falling in? Horse is falling out? A gentle push with that leg and you have sorted it out.

The circle is losing shape and bend? Apply a “hug” with your inside leg to guide your horse to feel support and you’ll find the circle come better again.

You keep missing your turn down to the centre line? Guide your horse with the outside leg, ask for a squarer turn, and you’re centre line will get better.

So even though these three things isn’t a leg yield – the leg yield made the corrections possible to make! See – that’s why the leg yield is so cool!!

Lately I’ve really been focused on trying to ride much more with my legs and to the hand and I’m finding myself correcting loads of stuff I feel going on with some sort of leg yield, even just for one step.

Do you like the leg yield? Do you find it a useful exercise? Do you use it a lot or maybe not at all? I’d love to hear!

Happy Training

Ancha XO

Author: Take The Reins Equestrian Training

Freelance instructor and rider working in the equine industry in Norway and the UK. with a dream of inspiring people along their journeys❤

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