Friday Blues


I hope you all had a great Valentine’s Day yesterday.

I cooked me and Heather veneson steak with potato gratin and mushrooms filled with feta cheese – as a treat. Somehow we managed to eat the dessert the day before, haha!

I’m gonna miss my Scottish mom so much! She is really a special person that means so much to me. I know she’s only a phone call away, but it is still very different to just see her every day.

She is going away this weekend so I’ll get one more weekend of teaching here before I’m going to Norway on Wednesday. Sonja will be staying over which will be nice.

Danza and the Gerbils will stay here for now. Heather will be looking after them.

She is being so good! Patiently waiting for me to do something with her. Breaks my heart. But at least I’m going away to try and sort it out.

Later today I have an appointment to sort my nails and eyebrows out, they are a disastrous mess!

Take care

Ancha XO

Author: Take The Reins Equestrian Training

Freelance instructor and rider working in the equine industry in Norway and the UK. with a dream of inspiring people along their journeys❤

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